
Stitcher significantly reduces ticket response times

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Stitcher, a leading platform in delivering the latest news, sports talk, and entertainment radio on demand, has significantly enhanced its customer support experience through a partnership with Helpshift. With over 12 million downloads on iOS and Android, Stitcher stands as the largest podcast listening platform behind iTunes. The collaboration aimed to streamline Stitcher’s feedback process, improving response times and tracking for emerging problems and feature requests. This case study explores how Stitcher, aided by Helpshift, achieved a substantial reduction in ticket response times, enhancing overall customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

The Challenge

Prior to integrating Helpshift, Stitcher faced significant challenges in managing customer support with only one dedicated support person who had to copy and paste responses from various sources. The absence of a streamlined response system led to prolonged response times and an overload of repetitive queries, indicating that users were not utilizing the Stitcher FAQ page effectively. This inefficient process hindered the ability to provide timely support and negatively impacted user experience, necessitating a solution that could offer rapid, canned responses and reduce the frequency of repetitive questions.
Stitcher - Challenge

The Solution

Helpshift offered a comprehensive solution to Stitcher’s customer support challenges through its innovative dashboard, enabling support agents to search for and insert pre-formulated answers to common questions. Moreover, Helpshift facilitated the storage of unpublished FAQs, providing support staff with a range of sensitive or trivial responses not available to the public. The introduction of published FAQs via Helpshift led to a 70% reduction in tickets, as they became easily accessible for customers to browse within the app or on the web. This strategic implementation allowed Stitcher to streamline its support process significantly.

The Results

The collaboration between Stitcher and Helpshift yielded remarkable results, reducing the time to respond to tickets by 70%. The implementation of Helpshift not only halved the number of issues being reported but also significantly reduced the time spent by staff responding to tickets. Prior to Helpshift, approximately 25 hours a month were dedicated to responding to tickets, which was reduced to as low as 8.5 hours. This efficiency gain allowed the support team to allocate more time to other critical tasks, enhancing overall productivity. Additionally, the focus on mobile and in-app support proved particularly beneficial for Stitcher, given that over 90% of their listening occurs on mobile devices. Helpshift’s solution not only met Stitcher’s immediate needs but also aligned with their mobile-first approach, demonstrating the value of selecting a solution that understands and caters to the specific needs of the business.

In conclusion, the partnership between Stitcher and Helpshift exemplifies the transformative impact of integrating the right customer support technology. By addressing the core challenges faced by Stitcher’s support team, Helpshift enabled a more efficient, responsive, and user-friendly support experience, setting a new standard for customer service in the digital age.